As Deuteronomy 18:10 continues, it provides for us a list of things that are considered detestable practices to the Lord. Along with child sacrifice (which we discussed in part 1) it lists additional evil practices such as seeking to know the future by using dark arts, trying to contact the dead, looking to the stars for guidance, practicing sorcery and witchcraft, or altering one’s mind or state of consciousness.
Those that do these things do not trust in the Lord or His ways. Verse 12 (Deuteronomy 18:12) shows us that those who practice these things are opposed to God.
These practices lead people into darkness and despair and that should strike fear into each of our hearts. This world has led us to believe things that are not true, that good is bad and bad is good. The lies that we have been fed, that many of us have been deceived by, when looked at through the truth of scripture becomes very clear.
There is no good magic or bad magic, no good witches or bad witches, all of these things are in direct opposition to our Creator. This does not mean that the people that practice these things are too far gone to change their ways. God calls us all to turn from evil and turn towards Him. To abandon the ways of darkness and to fully trust in Him. 2 Peter 3:9 says that God does not want any to perish. He loves all people and He pursues each one of us.
Today is the day to make a change. Cast aside the things that lead to death and embrace the One that gives eternal life. Only through Jesus Christ can we be washed clean and set free (1 Corinthians 6:11, 1 John 1:9). Only through Him can we find peace and joy. Choose Jesus and be set free from your sins, past, present and future. Be reborn and receive eternal life.
Turn to the Lord and find forgiveness
Father God, please forgive me for all my sins. I reject the things that are opposed to you and I turn to you in full surrender and humility. I realize that my desire to live my way shows my lack of faith and trust in your plan for my life. Please set me free from my sinful desires and give me peace knowing that you hold the future in your hands. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen.