Deuteronomy 11:1

After reminding the people of God’s great mercy and provision in the previous chapter, Moses instructs them to honor the Lord with obedience. When we are obedient and follow in God’s ways, we show Him gratitude and love for everything He has done. (John 14:15, Deuteronomy 6:5-6)

This concept is greatly misunderstood by many people. When people envision living a true Christian life they think it will be a life filled with boredom and religion. Fortunately, for those that know the truth, this idea is far from reality. 

God blesses each one of us with feelings, emotions, and desires. He did this so we could enjoy the life that He gave us. When we use these gifts for His honor and His glory it fills us up with joy and purpose. It makes us complete, as it should. We were created by God for God. (Colossians 1:16)

When we stray from our created purpose and use these gifts for our own pleasure it fills us with discontentment and emptiness. Oftentimes, this leads us to seek something to fill that void and instead of turning to God we continue searching for it in the world. We can never find true peace outside of the will of God and as our Creator, He knows this. (John 16:33)

That is why He has given us direction on how to avoid these struggles. He gives us instructions and commands, not to control us or to prevent us from having fun, but He does it to keep us out of trouble. 

When we understand the heart of God for us then our eyes will be opened to the truth, that following God does not rob us from living, but instead, it gives us purpose.

4 thoughts on “LIVING WITH PURPOSE”

  1. Harry Holsapple

    Good day,
    When we use the talents and gifts that God has given us to glorify Him, we will experience joy and fulfillment!

    Lacking joy? Seeking fulfillment? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the way. He will!!!

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